Fresh Air Supply Units

Made for improved air quality and hygienic learning environments.

Fresh air supply – We have always understood the importance of air quality and the benefits it provides for better learning, concentration and overall health across all Australian schools and learning facilities.

Our fresh air supply units (FASUs), are compliant with the specifications of the Queensland State Government for installation state-wide in schools. Now installed in over 100+ educational facilities the reliability, efficiency, ease of installation and operation, our FASUs are now being acquired by schools Australia-wide. 

FASUs provide clean filtered air into rooms where split system air conditioning is installed.  Most split system air conditioning units do not add any fresh air to the room. So if all the windows and doors are closed, low levels of oxygen and increased carbon dioxide will occur.  Our FASUs:

  • Continuously add clean, filtered fresh air supply into the room
  • Are typically linked into the power for the air conditioning systems so they operate in parallel
  • Made for easy installation
  • Are fitted with speed control to allow adjustment for the number of people and the size of the room
  • Come in a range of sizes and models to suit your needs

Our experienced team provide support for a convenient and easy process and our fresh air supply FASU products all proudly carry the Australian Made accreditation so you know the quality, reliability and convenience of working with an Australian owned and operated company is part of what we do.

We have stock available for your school or educational facility now, so contact us via the form for an obligation free quote today. 

Fresh Air Supply Units for Schools
Sigrist Design Australian Made and Owned